Collection: Seymour Etienne Bottex (Haitian, 1922-2016)

Seymour Etienne Bottex was born on December 25, 1922, in Port-Margot, Haiti and died on May 16, 2016. He worked as a photographer until 1955 when his older brother Jean Baptiste encouraged him to begin painting. He joined the Centre d'Art in Port-au-Prince. His paintings, mingling humorous, historical, and biblical themes, are exhibited worldwide and auctioned at Sotheby's in New York. He is considered one of the finest Haitian naïf painters, and his murals in the devastated Episcopal Cathedral de Sainte Trinite in Port-au-Prince were considered the most important achievement in Haitian modern art. "Stylisation of forms distinguish Bottex from the Ecole du Nord" ( Peintres Haitiens by Gerald Alexis) Get the Book Now!