Collection: Xavier Dalencour (Haitian, b.1981)

Xavier Dalencour is a French-Haitian artist born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, on February 17th, 1981. Ever since he was a young child, he had a passion for art. In 1999, he started taking art seriously and made his first solo exhibit at ACOMA gallery in Bordeaux, France 2004. He was influenced by two of the painters at the ACOMA gallery- LEM and Armel Promeneur- Guadeloupian natives he befriended quickly. During his time in France, he met many European,  African, and Caribbean artists who encouraged him to continue exploring his natural-born talent and take his art career to the next level. To date, Xavier Dalencour has had a total of 20 art exhibits both in Haiti and France. He is also the co-founder of Kolektif 509.