Andre Pierre (Haitian, 1914-2005) Vodou Ceremony at Cemetery Unframed Oil on Board Painting 50"h x 39"w #1GSN-NY
Andre Pierre (Haitian, 1914-2005) Vodou Ceremony at Cemetery Unframed Oil on Board Painting 50"h x 39"w #1GSN-NY
About this artist
About this artist
André Pierre was the dominant artist of the second generation and is considered the spiritual heir to the legendary Hector Hyppolite. Collectors and journalists from around the world visited him in the modest hut where he painted lovingly detailed portraits of the gods of the Vodou pantheon by the light of an oil lamp. His mission was to present Vodou as respectable and on par with all the other major religions. His pronouncements on Vodou and life, in general, were wise and sophisticated and were often punctuated with his trademark subterranean chuckle.
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