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Philippe Dodard 20"x24" Introspection 2022 Acrylic on Canvas #21JN-HA

Philippe Dodard 20"x24" Introspection 2022 Acrylic on Canvas #21JN-HA

Regular price $33,597.00
Regular price $39,526.00 Sale price $33,597.00
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"INTROSPECTION" is a vibrant abstract painting created by the Haitian contemporary master painter Philippe Dodard to add to your collection!

This original piece on canvas dated 2022 is sold unframed and is in excellent condition.

"A graphic artist, Dodard depicts angular subjects which he fits into a space without perspective," says art critic Gerald Alexis in his book "Peintres Haitiens" Get the Book Now!

About this artist

Dodard is a famous Haitian graphic artist and painter. Born in Port-au-Prince in 1954, he worked as an advertising illustrator. His works have been exhibited throughout Europe and the Americas. He received the first prize in drawing at the Junior Seminary of St-Martial's College in 1966. He studied at the PotoMitan Art School with Jean-Claude "Tiga" Garoute, Patrick Vilaire and Frido Casimir. In 1973, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts. Then he worked as a layout artist and founded a studio of audiovisual graphic arts. In 1978, he received a scholarship to the International School in Bordeaux, France, enabling him to specialize in Pedagogic Graphic Design. Two years later he received a scholarship from the Rotary International Foundation and left on tour with the Group Study Exchange of Haiti to give conferences on Haitian culture. His artwork has evolved to include large sculptures, fine ironworks, and fine jewelry design. His paintings have inspired American fashion designer Donna Karan's 2012 Spring collection and a joint exhibition with her at the Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami in Miami, Florida. (Wikipedia)

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