Myriam Nader-Salomon of Nader Haitian Art - Interview with Kreyolicious

Myriam Nader-Salomon of Nader Haitian Art - Interview with Kreyolicious

Myriam Nader-Salomon of Nader Haitian Art

You can practically call Myriam Nader-Salomon an ambassador of Haitian art in the USA, if not globally. Nader who owns an online store that is a showcase of the most exquisite pieces of Haitian art, is based in New York. Nader-Salomon has art pumping alongside the blood in her veins. It’s part of her DNA practically. Her father Georges S. Nader founded Galerie d’Art Nader, whose reputation from its 1966 foundation, grew to the point where it would be considered as one of the most prestigious and popular art galleries in Haiti. Twenty-five years later, Nader founded Nader Art Museum. Nader-Salomon opened a branch in Coral Gables, FL in the early 2000s with her siblings. A few years ago, after her move to New York, she founded Nader Haitian Art. The art promoter and dealer calls the self-operated Nader Haitian Art, a one-stop secure online art gallery and auction site. Its selection is quite extensive and includes original Haitian and Caribbean paintings, Haitian Art books, postcards of Haiti, Haitian art posters, Haitian handicrafts, and original and authenticated art prints called glicées. Nader-Salomon also offers art appraisals.

Haitian art, need we remind you, (and we don’t mind reminding you), is one of the most prized and most collected art on the globe, so naturally we thought it a stupendous idea to hit up Nader-Salomon to discuss Haitian art.

What are the most valuable pieces in your collection?

I do have a lot of valuable pieces in my collection. Without being specific, I can say that some are valuable sentimentally and some monetary. Each piece of my collection has a story behind it. Some I acquired because I fell in love with, and some others for both their beauty and the investment they represent. They are all valuable to me.

Now you also have a location in Haiti.

Grégoire, Petion-Ville, Haiti. Right after Galerie Nader and Musee d’Art Nader of Desprez were devastated by the terrible earthquake of January 12th, 2010, the whole collection left was moved to our location in Petion-Ville.

How many pieces does your art collection consist of?

Nader Haitian Art has a quite impressive collection. Galerie d’Art Nader and Musee d’art Nader’s collections are inestimable. Many pieces were lost during the earthquake and the loss is still being evaluated.

Haitian art and Dominican art seems to be one and the same to the casual observer. As an art expert, is there a way to immediately distinguish them upon sight?

Haitian art and Dominican art by professionals are distinct from each other in the eyes of the connoisseurs. Yes, there is an immediate distinguish upon sight.

Let me explain myself.

One should not confused street art or tourist art or mass produced art for professional art. When one is referring to Haitian art, it should be referring mostly to paintings made by professionals, those paintings by painters with a certain background, and recognition. Those artists can be found in Haitian art books and/or their art are displayed in art museums and art galleries around the world. I think what seems to be the same to the casual observer is the street Dominican arts or “tourist art” that are sold by the beaches, on gifts shops or on the streets of the Dominican Republic. They are mostly painted by Haitians from the Dominican Republic or even by Dominicans who are influenced by the Haitian “styles”, as they are more sellable to the tourists. That kind of art can’t be considered as Haitian art or Dominican art..

Nader Art was at one point in Miami, and now it’s located in New York. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each location?

I would not be able to know the advantages and disadvantages of each location as they are two different ways to do business therefore can’t be compared. In Miami, I had a physical art gallery named Galerie d’Art Nader, LLC at a very prime location for selling art whereas here in NY, it’s a virtual art gallery owned and operated solely by me. All I can say is that the overheads are much less when I sell online but at the same time, I am more limited. In Miami, with the physical gallery, I was more able to promote the Haitian culture through its arts. I would even host a cultural event every first Friday of the month.


What advice would you give to a new Haitian art collector?

I would advise a new Haitian art collector to read more about Haitian art. Knowledge is power. An educated art collector is a more confident and savvy buyer. They can find Haitian art books at Nader Haitian Art. I specially recommend among others, the reference book by Gérald Alexis Peintres Haitiens. I do recommend researching the source of where they are buying their paintings, as there are many places not reliable out there. Also, I would advise [them] to buy if not the well-known but at least the ones with certain recognition so that their acquisitions keep its value. Bear in mind, that although “Street arts” are colorful and cute, they don’t keep their value. So it’s much better to invest a little bit more money to get a better painting in terms of value, fame and quality. Haitian art by professionals is not as expensive for its quality as many people think.

You’ve been around paintings and art all your life. Do you have a favorite piece of art?

At almost each interview, this question pops out and it makes me smile. No, I don’t have a favorite piece. I love all of them as I consider them as part of my family for living around them for so long. They are like my babies. Can a mother love a child more than another? To me, it’s impossible. My passion in life is selling and collecting Haitian art. I dearly love and cherish Haitian art. I feel so much alive when so much beauty surrounds me. Haitian art moves me and keeps me so happy. It also proudly represents what my homeland has the best to offer.

Is Nader involved in fostering new artists?

Yes, we foster new artists all the time when we see their potential talents. Haiti is a land where everyone paints and for different reasons. We can only afford to foster the ones that we think the buyers would be interested in purchasing their works. We don’t choose what sells or not. The market does.

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